Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Facing the Raging Sea

I wa reading my Bible this morning and one random verse stuck out at me and brought back lots of memories. I love it when little gems are discovered in the Word, it brings Hebrews 4:12 to life. Anyway, the verse was Zechariah 10:11...
They will pass through the sea of trouble; the surging sea will be subdued and all the depths of the Nile will dry up.
I immediately thought of the seas of trouble that I have faced in my life. Problems in our marriage, problems with myself (yeah, lots of 'em), problems with our children, facing death of family members, financial crisis, facing being forced out of a job I loved, starting a new one I was terified of, being told the child we tried for years to have would not live, failing an adoption, I really could go on and on. Those are just a few, there are more encounters with the Sea of Trouble.
You know what? God has always been faithful. I always had to go through the Sea, but never alone. He also "subdued" it. Things worked out, I got through what I thought I never could by His grace alone. God has always been faithful to me, even when I was unfaithful to Him. I doubted, I feared, I cried a lot. He was faithful, always faithful. Comforting, leading me to the exact scripture I needed at that exact moment. He put people in my path who spoke truth in love and encouraged me. He miraculously changed circumstances. He did what only God could do and I grew in faith and love for Him. He brings good from all circumstances to those who love Him. I KNOW it.


E. Chikeles said...

Glad you're back.

Anonymous said...

Kris, I had no idea you two had been through the loss of a child. I'm so sorry for your loss,as we know of this sort of pain. Though no ones loss is ever the same, of course. I'm glad you two are so strong together. Life sure tests us sometimes. Yet I think our faith gets stronger as a result,eventually that is. I can't say I didnt question so much with the loss of our baby.
...I hope its okay I read your blog,as I just saw you had one. I have one but havent been bloggn in awhile.

btw, I luv your wedding picture and it must of been so romantic being married there

Kris said...

Ok, "Tweety", help me out. Who are you? No fair using blogger name!!

Anonymous said...

Now that ya know who I am...sorry I forgot to tell you right away!
Hope your Febuary goes great Kris!